Dance diary. July 2017

…main gallery space. Photographs by Rick Guest, Made on the Body, QPAC 2017 Inside, the gallery had several large screens (or scrims really) on which footage was projected. The show was lit theatrically so that it occasionally seemed that visitors were onstage themselves. Made on the body, QPAC 2017 Other footage, some from archival sources, could be viewed on smaller screens situated on long tables elsewhere in the space. In addition to this foota…

Restraint(s). Ken Unsworth & Australian Dance Artists

…lar hemline, thus mirroring Unsworth’s ring. They moved around, alongside, inside and over the ring, depending on how it was positioned. Towards the end they flung their skirts up so that the ring in the hemline framed their faces. A very interesting variation on a cyr wheel performance. I also enjoyed a surprising section involving two sliding floor boards that moved in opposite directions across the width of the performing space. Initially they…

That extra ’some. Liz Lea & Katie Senior

…And, what seem at the beginning of the show to be pink decorations tucked inside the neckline of the black outfits they both wear, turn out to be pink rubber gloves. Senior likes washing up! Senior announces that she is learning Reggaeton, a kind of Latin American Hip Hop, and she and Lea dance together. Liz Lea and Katie Senior in That extra ‘some, Belconnen Arts Centre, 2017. Photo: © Lorna Sim More dancing and more conversation follow. The tex…

A little corner of India in Wellington

…ssibly they do not believe in Krishna. So I have to encourage them to look inside themselves, to think about what similar qualities they do believe in, to portray those instead. I will tell you something. When I was 15 years old, I was with my Father—and he had an accident. It was just terrible. I stayed with him, but he died from that accident. After that, I hated the Gods, I did not want anything to do with them. I gave up dancing—left it altoge…

SPLIT. Lucy Guerin Inc.

…r and in one tortured moment it looked like Steiner was ripping out Lane’s insides and eating them. A few recurring motifs indicated ongoing conflict. SPLIT. Lucy Guerin Inc. Photo: © Gregory Lorenzutti But in my mind there was also a split in Guerin’s approach. At times she seemed to have made SPLIT from a totally intellectual point of view. The beautiful unison of the opening section was quite matter of fact in many respects and throughout that…

Coppélia. Queensland Ballet

…oll to life while the people of the town try to discover what is happening inside his house. And there is the usual love interest wending its way through the story. But Horsman has set this Coppélia in South Australia, in the small town of Hahndorf, which was the home in the early 1800s of German settlers. But before Act I begins, with its presentation of the activities of the Hahndorf townsfolk, we are given some background in an outstanding prel…