Not entirely herself. Vicky Shick

…, joke together, be together without concern that the relationship might founder. And what a star performer Neil Greenberg is. His Cunningham-esque ability to isolate movement in specific parts of the body, whether hips, hands, head or any other part of his anatomy, is formidable. He must be one of the most articulate and kinetically intelligent dancers to grace the contemporary dance scene. Not only that he has charisma in bucket loads. The work…

Mao’s Last Dancer. The Exhibition

…Ballet in the 1990s. Those were also the days when writers like me were welcomed into the classroom (with undying thanks to Maina Gielgud) and I recall Li staying on after class was officially finished and practising manège after manège of spectacular movement. Portrait of Li Cunxin in Brisbane. Photo: © Eduardo Vieira Everyone who visits this show will have his or her favourite items. Do go and have a look. It’s well worth a visit. Michelle Potte…

The Australian Ballet in 2014

…he has continued to hold the post of a resident choreographer while also being artistic director of Houston Ballet since 2003. Although I was not overly impressed with Welch’s recent Rite of Spring, I look forward to seeing this full-length Bayadère and hope that he has tightened up the story a little. ‘La Bayadère is a recurring problem’, as American Dance Magazine noted not so long ago. But for me the most interesting program on the 2014 list i…

Murphy. The Australian Ballet

…en clearly serious in emotional impact; they occasionally cross cultural boundaries; they are always closely connected to music, and his musical choices are themselves diverse; they can be classical in their dance vocabulary, or not so classical as the work demands; they are sometimes narrative-based, at other times quite abstract. Never a dull moment! What was also fascinating was being able to see some of Murphy’s signature choreographic phrases…

LAC. Les Ballets de Monte Carlo

…in bearing. On the whole I found the choreography quite bland and I also found the way Tchaikovsky score was chopped around a little hard to take. Still it’s always interesting to see a new take on an old classic. Some are just better than others. Michelle Potter, 4 July 2019 Featured image: Dancers of the Monte Carlo Ballet in LAC, 2019. Photo: © Alice Blangero Please consider supporting my Australian Cultural Fund project to raise money to have…

English National Ballet. A new director

…whose first sentence is ‘And women artistic directors, we might add’, it was something of a surprise to discover that the English National Ballet has appointed Tamara Rojo as its new artistic director. Ismene Brown’s take on the situation is available on the Arts Desk site. The comments are already interesting. As for Dance Chronicle, I was immediately reminded of Linda Nochlin’s seminal article ‘Why have there been no great women artists’ writte…

Hansel & Gretel. Royal New Zealand Ballet & Orchestra Wellington

…s of Hansel & Gretel reveals the close rapport developed between Prior and composer Claire Cowan, who has produced a colourful and affecting score. Right from the first sounds (‘applause’ from orchestral percussion to walk the conductor to his podium), it is clear that the choreographer and composer share a sense of humour and fun. Conductor Hamish McKeich and Orchestra Wellington miss not a beat or a feat throughout. Design by Kate Hawley, togeth…

Terrain. Bangarra Dance Theatre

…l and distinctive. She groups people together tightly at times and then suddenly a single body is thrust upwards and extends out of the complexity of it all. She often works on bodies that are positioned upside down so the legs and feet are the main focus. Sometimes the choreography jerks and bobs as in the section called ‘Spinifex’; at other times it flows smoothly and this is the quality we see in the final section ‘Deluge’. Occasionally a polit…

The Nutcracker on film. The Australian Ballet

…carcely visible. The grand pas de deux was danced on this occasion by Madeleine Eastoe and Kevin Jackson and, unlike my previous experience, there was indeed a real connection between this Sugar Plum Fairy and her Prince. Jackson’s partnering was impeccable—those shoulder lifts, followed by a full circle swirl before Eastoe was lowered into a fish dive, were just wonderful. Eastoe’s command of the choreography was beyond question and her every mov…

Coppélia. The Australian Ballet (2016)

…o missed Dr Coppélius’ appearance in Act III, when he demands and receives compensation for the destruction Swanilda and Franz have caused to his workshop in Act II. Maybe I am imagining that this scene was once part of van Praagh’s production? But it is a part of many other productions and it rounds off that section of the story very nicely. It was a good day for the male corps de ballet—Franz’s friends danced exceptionally well, especially in Ac…